The firm was established in 1995 bearing the company name GSN+p which represents the founding members’ last names which are Go, Soriano, Nepomuceno and Bate with the addition of partners to signify that our practice will always be inclusive. We believe that it takes a team to make it happen. We consider everyone who is involved in the projects as partners. From client to designer, architects to engineers, contractors to developers, we value each other’s profession and strive to build a healthy relationship with each other to achieve a common goal: to make your dream structure a reality.

As architects and designers, we also take lead in caring for our environment by educating and encouraging our clients on integrating modern green principles in their buildings. As a firm, we practice energy-saving and eco-friendly measures in the office, believing that in our own little ways, together, we can help the environment.

Recently, we have reached our 25th Anniversary milestone and we are honored to showcase the diversity of our work. Establishing a name in the retail and hospitality industry did not come overnight but with the help of everyone, we have managed to make a name for ourselves. As the company moves forward, we shall continue to strive to improve in our craft and be able to continually deliver quality service for our clients.

Our mission is to design, detail and deliver works of exceptional quality which are highly responsive to the clients’ needs in an honest, efficient, and professional manner.